.makeup checklist

• Liquid Latex     • Molding Wax 
 • Base Makeup (flesh tones, grey, maybe some green)  
 • Zombie Makeup (yellow, green, red, grey, flesh, white, black)
• Fake Flesh   • Fake Blood   • Fake Scabs
• Baby Powder
Halloween Headquarters has a great selection of makeup supplies and fake blood...don't forget to print out your coupon!

Participants are encouraged to come pre-zombified to the Pub Crawl.
We will have undead make up artists on hand to help if you need a little touch up, or just don't want to mess with it at home! All we ask is  a $5.00 donation.  We will be at Summit Saloon between 5:30 and
7 pm! 
Questions?  Contact us at bendzombies@yahoo.com
Makeup tips!
.tips for applying makeup

Step One -

Apply Molding Wax to form wounds and scars (Fake Scabs and/or Fake Flesh may be used as a substituted). Adhere these using liquid latex (Fake Scabs can be used as a substituted). Allow to dry.

Step Two -

Apply a base makeup color. Grey works great for zombies that rose from the grave. If you were recently turned into a zombie use a lighter tone that is similar to your skin color. Maybe add some green or yellow.

Step Three -

Apply accent colors. Use dark grey or black for places that need to be shadowed. Use light grey or white for places that need to be highlighted. A good way to do this is to shine a flashlight just above your face; shadow the shadows and highlight the highlights. Use white to also simulate exposed skull, red for blood, yellow and green for puss oozing wounds.

Step Four -

Apply lots and lots of delicious fake blood

zombie makeup recipes
Fake Blood Recipe:

1 cup Corn Syrup

20 drops of Red Food Coloring

2 Tablespoons of Chocolate Syrup

Mix and apply liberally. Be sure to bring extra to apply throughout the crawl!
Fake Scab Recipe:

1 part Gelatin

1 part water

Mix in small quantities and apply to skin within 30 seconds. This will harden to form a decaying flesh texture.
Do this before putting makeup on!
Fake Flesh Recipe:

2 cups Self-Raising Flour

1 cup Salt

4 teaspoons cream of tartar

2 cups water

2 Tablespoons cooking oil

First boil the water and add everything but the flour. Then add the flour slowly over a low heat. Cook until it becomes a warm doughy ball. Form this into rotting flesh slabs and adhere them to your face with liquid latex (ideally) or fake scab mix.